Funeral Services

We’re here to lift you up in your time of need.

Craigsville Funeral Home offers funeral service, memorial service, and remembrance service options to the communities of Craigsville, Churchville, and Staunton, Virginia, as well as outlying Augusta County locations.

No matter how you wish to celebrate your loved one, whether it be with traditional funeral services accompanied by a graveside, simple cremation, or anything in between, we’re here to serve you.

How We Can Help

Our main services include funeral pre-planning, cremation and headstones.

Whether you want to have your loved one’s service at our facility in Craigsville, at your family’s church, or a local community center, we’re happy to come to you. We can even host a private memorial service at your home. Additionally, Craigsville Funeral Home is committed to multicultural awareness and diversity, which is why we offer inclusive and affirming services for all.  

    • Traditional Funeral Services
    • Graveside Service
    • Cremation with a Memorial Service
    • Cremation with No Service
    • Green & Natural Services
    • Shipping in the U.S. and Other Countries
    • Pre-Planning Assistance
    • Filing Death Certificates
    • Veterans Benefits
    • Social Security
    • Filing Life Insurance Claims
    • Memorial Video Tributes
    • Picture Board Tributes & Memorial Tables
    • Monument Sales & Services
    • Bereavement & Counseling Resources
    • Gravestone & Memorial Lettering
    • Maintenance & Care of Gravestone & Memorial

There are many ways to personalize the story of a life.

We would be honored if you select us to provide the funeral services your loved one deserves.